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Updated: Dec 8, 2023

JOHN BERNARDI: Always remember this: All that you can take with you is that which you have given away. DOUG HOFFMAN: Take advantage of technology, but use it with utmost security. The advent of artificial intelligence technology will change the way we all do business. RICHELLE GREGORY: Someone else’s crisis is not your crisis. STACEY AMBLER: Do what makes you feel good as well as stimulates you intellectually because that connection always leads to success. BILL MCCOLGAN: Avoid communication silos and echo chambers. We are interconnected and we learn from each other. SYLVIE NELSON: Think outside the box. Be creative and try to be innovative. MARK DAVEY: Education is a foundation and will make a difference every day

ANDY SEPCIE: Be responsible to the community, and conscience of the environmental effects we have in the area. Take care of your employees, they are the foundation of our organizations! COURTNEY CHANDLER DELAURA: Expect the unexpected. Be ready to adapt as needed and never settle for "this is the way we have always done it.” DEVI MOMOT: Be nice to others and to yourself. Look for the good points in people and situations rather than dwell on the negative. Find what makes you happy, you are the only one who knows that and no one else can create happiness for you. TOM MURPHY: Get involved in your community – volunteer, vote, mentor others, participate and support your local businesses, engage with local business groups and use your strengths to help your community grow. GARRY DOUGLAS: Don’t dwell on being known. Seek to be worth knowing. TUCKER SLINGERLAND, MD: No organization is an island. Since our beginning more than 40 years ago, Hudson Headwaters has thrived thanks to partnerships with our local hospitals, towns, community nonprofits and many others. JAMIE BASILIERE: Be driven, passionate and enthusiastic about whatever you choose to do. Be present

DEENA MCCULLOUGH: With the influx of even more technology to support remote work, it is crucial that every business invest in a risk management program. Cybercrime is rising. Also, with more staff working remotely, and the pandemic presenting unexpected challenges in terms of sudden quarantines, you need ways to contact people quickly. Phone trees, for example. ROBIN PIERCE: Don’t be afraid to take a chance on your dream or to follow a cause that is near and dear to you. We have such a rich community in many ways because our leaders — past and present — did just that. We have a lot of mission-driven organizations and companies in our area whose leaders have made great impacts. It starts with not being afraid. Go ahead and try. KRISTY KENNEDY: Look around this community and learn from those making a difference. We have incredible leaders in our region. Observe them, ask questions and wait for your time to shine. Seek mentors and be a mentor. MATT BOIRE: Network. That means even though the work day might be officially done, make time to get involved in business and community activities. These are the things that open up opportunities. Go to a Chamber After Hours, a Rotary or similar club, a trade show, seminar, church, or town function. Be friendly to the people in your neighborhood. Not only will you make friends, but you may also feel the reward of self-satisfaction by getting involved. And the more people who have nice things to say about you, the more likely that career opportunities will arise for you. Your reputation is very important. JOHN KOWAL: Rely on the power of collaboration and partnership. JACI KELLEHER: Remember that companies need to be competitive to survive, but the business community needs to be cooperative to thrive. Link with the service organizations.

MICHAEL CASHMAN: Strengthen opportunities by establishing public/private partnerships. No one sector can do it alone. Creativity and innovation come from the best ideas incubated between groups with similar missions. but different visions. CONNIE WILLE: Time passes quickly, do not take anything for granted. Develop your own mission statement and stay loyal to it. NICOLE LAURIN: Take the chance and listen to your gut. We often make decisions out of fear, but that can hold us back. As organizations and agencies, we need to think creatively. We are all facing new and old challenges, especially related to the pandemic. We need to find ways to navigate these challenges and use them as opportunities. BILL MEYERS: Strive to become a leader in whatever it is you decide to do. Never stop learning and giving to help others succeed first. DAVID CORYER: Drive your careers forward with humility, empathy and flexibility as your foundation. These traits are more important than ever with the existing challenges we face and the untold obstacles of tomorrow. NEIL FESETTE: Have a well thought out strategic plan coupled with tactical objectives of how it will be achieved. LYNN MAGNUS: Be flexible with your workers. Many people grew up being in the office five days a week and expect the same of the next generation, but through Covid we’ve proved that remote work can drive similar productivity.

GREG MACCONNELL: Recognize the area’s unique natural and strategic assets and protect and promote them wherever and whenever possible. If there is a challenge, there is an opportunity. LINDA BOURGEOIS: Choose a career that you are passionate about, love what you do with dedication and pride. Be forward thinking and always be willing to stretch and grow. Learn from your mistakes and hold yourself accountable. Lead by example. ELIZABETH PEARL: Get involved in the community to learn what it’s all about – what the community is and where it wants to grow. Engage in a variety of activities with a variety of different people. Make connections, serve others by volunteering, sharing and mentoring others in their growth and development. ALEXANDRA BARIE: Whether it is in the business community or with a non-forprofit organization, become a part of something beyond your chosen career. It will not only help you within your profession, you will grow as a person and as a member of this community. SARAH MCCOY: There can never be enough effort spent on business continuity planning. BILLY JONES: The power of outreach and connections cannot be overestimated. Valued relationships are key and it is important to always communicate with your own workforce and regional partners. MIKE CARPENTER: Do what you love. Follow your heart.

COLIN READ: Success will require flexibility, the embracing of change, creativity, and resilience. The Internet makes our world much smaller, and hence more competitive. The creative shall survive. JUSTIN IHNE: Partnership. Partnership. Partnership. ERIC ZEISLOFT: Think outside the box! The Pandemic changed everything from the way people lead their personal lives to the way businesses are run. Being quick and agile and overcoming roadblocks was key to continuing to grow during these unprecedented times. Leaders who thought outside the box and exhibited true grit were able to improve and thrive in these conditions. TIM BRESETT: Never fear change, always plan ahead and be prepared for the unexpected. This is a wonderful region to live and work in. Embrace it, work hard, and you’ll prosper. MICHELLE LEBEAU: Focus on your people. ELIZABETH MURRAY: Be versatile, inventive and keep an eye on the trends across the country and in our state—what occurs in most US cities will eventually make its way to the North Country just a year or two later. Therefore, figure out options ahead of time instead of reacting once a situation or change occurs.

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