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Amel Varga

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

"Balanced, Positive, Detail-Oriented"

Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. Commercial Relationship Manager Hometown: Bosanski Samac, Bosnia & Herzegovina Age: 36 Education: A.S. Accounting, Community College of Vermont

Meeting Amel is like meeting Clark Kent — mild mannered, polite, warm, welcoming with a side of adventurousness and intensity. It is no wonder that he has chosen to balance his banking career with a complementary career in the Army National Guard. Amel brings an exuberance to the banking world as he finds ways to share his talents in the North Country.

Tell us about your community involvement. I am a member of the Plattsburgh Noon Rotary Club, participating in the many sponsored community events. My other interests lie with local animal shelters and youth sports programs.

What would you do if you have three hours off from work and could not go home? It would be a tossup for me on this one between getting to the gym and kicking a soccer ball around.

What attracts you to your peer group? I am generally an easy going individual and tend to get along with just about anybody to some degree. I value creativity, sense of humor, and shared experiences.

What strategies do you use to approach the day? I prefer to start my day with a workout so that I can get my mind cleared and set right for the day, followed by coffee and prioritization of my day. This allows for both structure and flexibility for the upcoming day.

What is something that no one would guess about you? Ever since I was a child, I have been a sucker for romantic comedies.

What important lesson have you learned in your career? I have had an extensive career in banking and learned quite a bit. I feel the most important lesson that I have learned is to build relationships, and to build lasting ones you need to invest yourself in what you are doing.

How can the North Country improve it Gen IQ? (Gen IQ defined as an ability to lead, market to or innovate with multi-generational workplaces and marketplaces) I feel that providing more opportunity for entertainment would go a long way. There are missed opportunities here often discussed as available across the lake. For example, Burlington does an excellent job in taking advantage of its lake front areas through multiple restaurants, shops, food trucks, and a few breweries that bring in folks from all over. As much as I like to go do these things in Burlington, I would much rather do them closer to home. Not only would this improve our immediate area, it would also generate more income and likely keep a lot of the folks who just pass through on their way to Vermont here instead.

What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? I left my banking career in 2017 after nearly ten years, and enlisted in the Vermont Army National Guard. I have had a very successful five years in the military so far, and look forward to what the future holds.

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