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And Then There Were Eight

By Betsy Vicencio

Standing: Bob Smith, Rod Giltz, Betsy Vicencio, Chuck Racette, Clyde Rabideau, Bill Owens. Sitting: Art LeFevre, Paul Green, Herb Carpenter
Standing: Bob Smith, Rod Giltz, Betsy Vicencio, Chuck Racette, Clyde Rabideau, Bill Owens. Sitting: Art LeFevre, Paul Green, Herb Carpenter

Innovation meets introspection meets action — that is the Strictly Business Forum. For over three decades, this exclusive event has provided a platform for leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs to engage in meaningful discussions, forge invaluable connections and explore the latest trends shaping the North Country business landscape. What began as a small gathering of like-minded individuals has evolved into a cornerstone of collaboration, where diverse perspectives meet to spark new ideas, address challenges and inspire the future of business.

As we began the months long process of assembling our list of attendees for this year’s Forum, the SB Editorial Team challenged itself to honor the 35th milestone. From the kaleidoscope of talent in our list of attendees, we decided that assembling a group from the very first Forum would lend the perfect balance — honor what was and celebrate what will be. At my table were eight change makers, men who bonded over their love of the community and dedicated their lives and careers to making life and opportunities better for all of us.

My Gang of Eight Honorees were:

Herb Carpenter, Chairman of The Northeast Group/Publisher of Strictly Business Magazine

Rod Giltz, Chairman of Northern Insuring Agency

Paul Green, retired owner of Don G Orchard and Lake Champlain Pools

Art LeFevre, former Plattsburgh Town Supervisor

Bill Owens, former three-term U.S. Congressman and attorney at Stafford Owens Law Firm

Clyde Rabideau, former Mayor of Plattsburgh and Saranac Lake and owner of Rabideau Corp.

Chuck Racette, retired Realtor

Bob Smith, retired President/CEO of Nine Platt Hospitality Group

Defining Moments

We began by discussing the most defining moments in our region’s history.

Smith reflected on the 2007 move of the Clinton County Airport from Route 3 to the former Plattsburgh Air Force Base flight line. Because of this move, “We have only begun to scratch the surface of what that can do for our region in terms of growth in manufacturing, education, tourism, and accessibility.”

LeFevre invoked his tenure as the longest sitting supervisor of the Town of Plattsburgh to remind us of the 1967 opening of the Adirondack Northway and how it changed the city/town equation. “Business is all about location. When the Northway was complete, our location became the greatest asset for our region.”

Giltz brought us back to 1995 when the Plattsburgh Air Force Base closed. “It was not just the economic impact. We lost the gene pool.”

Owens agreed with Giltz, “The anguish of losing the Base included the dramatic loss of people.”

Rabideau was quick to move past the closure and discuss the recovery, reminding us that defining moments are often the ones we do not hear about. “Mario Cuomo helped broker the deal that jump started the community’s recovery from the loss of the Base. With his help, Bombardier decided to locate here.”

Carpenter stated, “Initially we viewed the closure of the Base as a devastating blow to the community. Now, in hindsight, it is clear it was one of the best things to happen to us. It forced us to take a fresh look at our future, and reach out and work together to make things happen.”

Racette segued to all the development that has taken place in the region, highlighting the Base closure as a “redefining of the community.”

Green posited, “It’s the power of collaboration between the people of our community — the people at this table and in this room — that make the difference in how we managed defining moments.”

Our conversation moved to a series of personal stories.

Collaboration, relationships, conversations, and action have been foundational to the successes the community has enjoyed. New relationships were created by the formation of Team Plattsburgh.

Rabideau talked about trips to Montreal with Bill Owens, knocking on doors to develop leads to help invigorate the efforts to rebuild. The effort eventually became the kernel of what has become the North Country Chamber of Commerce’s Red-Carpet events.

Clinton Community College – What’s Next?

Although there was a loose agenda to help guide our conversation, the discussion quickly took a turn to how we need to think strategically in light of the pending move of CCC to the SUNY Plattsburgh campus.

LeFevre asked, “What’s next for the Clinton Community College property?” His question ignited a work-group solution-generating session.

Owens suggested, “We need a professional developer to help us forecast the future for a property of this magnitude.” Conversation ensued about local resources that might jump start a conversation about options.

Rabideau chimed in, “We have to look to the North. Our Quebec counterparts can help engage us with possible Bio-tech or High-tech firms that want to provide their employees with a better quality of life.”

LeFevre reminded us that we have a great pool of existing companies that chose to come here, “We should interview our existing manufacturing base.”

Carpenter suggested, “We should ask Schluter Systems why they chose this location. Maybe we can learn from companies like them to help us refine our focus.”

Racette agreed, “Getting feedback from some of the people who sit high up in companies like Schluter would be a great step in this process. The Clinton property is not just a piece of real estate. It was remodeled over the years for the purpose of an educational institution. Finding the right use will be interesting.”

Green offered, “We need to identify who is really qualified for this. We should create a new committee to help develop the next steps.”

Carpenter boldly stated, “This is a rare property. It will be essential for the town and the city to collaborate. We need to THINK BIG!”

Overcoming Challenges

With more than 420 years of business experience at Table Seven, the view was equal parts cautionary tale and wisdom. When asked about greatest challenges and overcoming them, the panoramic views were insightful.

Rabideau, with his particular slant on the Saranac Lake region, stated, “Our region’s greatest challenge was posed by the establishment of the Adirondack Park Agency in 1971. It forever changed our ability to develop in the Park, setting up many of the housing challenges we face today.”

Smith discussed the evolution of the Howard Johnson company. His family finalized the deal to acquire multiple franchise locations in the 1980s. Twenty-four hours later, Howard Johnson’s was sold to Marriott at a substantial discount, devaluing the stock by more than 50 percent. “It was an incredibly challenging time,” lamented Smith.

Owens commented on a more contemporary issue, “We cannot hire lawyers. There are not enough graduates in the workforce pool to replace retiring professionals. Adopting education and training options for primarily young women in paralegal studies provides us with the necessary support staff to work in a profession with fewer lawyers. This path offers a great opportunity to work from home when needed for people with young families.”

LeFevre presented the challenges in our political arena. “With a two-year election cycle for many elected positions, politicians barely have time to get any work done. Right after their election, just to stay in the game they are already fund raising and campaigning for their next term. It is almost impossible to govern,” he emphasized.


As we concluded this insightful forum with eight historic leaders, I was reminded of Margaret Mead’s powerful words: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

The diverse perspectives and enduring legacies shared here today exemplify the profound impact that visionary leaders can have, shaping not only their own eras, but the course of history. Let us take inspiration from their example, knowing that even in our modern world, the actions of a dedicated few can still spark transformation for the greater good.

Betsy Vicencio is VP/CFO, The Northeast Group and MHAB Enterprises, LLC


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