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Bruce Monette III

Ambitious. Dedicated. Passionate.

Current Employer & Job Title: Titus Mountain Family Ski Center Director of Operations

Age: 30 | Hometown: Malone, NY

Education: SUNY Plattsburgh, B.S. Hotel Restaurant and Tourism Management

A man of few words, Bruce Monette III is all about action. He credits his parents with instilling a devotion to hard work and community in him starting at a young age. Bruce is always on the lookout for new opportunities to improve, not only their business, but the community around them. Finding long term solutions for short term problems, such as Ski-banas, a result of COVID social distancing, that became a wonderful addition to the recreational attraction.

How does company culture impact you and what do you do to contribute to it?

Our company culture has taught me the value of working hard, giving back to the community and always having a focus on family.

Tell us about your community involvement.

I previously was a board member of the Malone Chamber of Commerce. My mother started a foundation where she is the president of Adirondack For Kids. It is an organization that donates to different charities around the North Country, and we host events from Golf Tournaments to Turkey Trots to help raise money for different causes.

Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?

Definitely my dad. Since I was young, he has taken me under his wing and helped show me the ropes and taught me a lot about business and life in general. Anytime I am in a situation that I am struggling with, I know I can just pick up the phone and talk with him to get some ideas or come up with a solution.

What strategies do you use to approach the day?

I try and start the morning off with a work out, and then catch up on the world news from the day before.

What important lesson have you learned in your career?

I have learned that it is important to be flexible, and that opportunities come almost every day, and you need to be ready to capitalize on them when they come your way.

What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?

Changing our third-party online Point of Sale System one month before the season started at Titus. After COVID hit, we were forced to choose a new provider, and I chose a start-up out of Colorado. At that time, everything had to be purchased online in advance, so making sure we had an exceptional, functional platform was a huge undertaking. Getting the training and all products integrated just two weeks before the season, made for a stressful time. However, four years later things could not be going better.

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