Determined. Reliable. Creative.

Current Employer & Job Title: Hammer’s Hardscapes, owner/operator.
Age: 29 | Hometown: Cadyville, New York | Education: Associates Degree Clinton Community College
A man of relatively few words, Cameron builds beauty every day. Scan his completed works of patios, walkways, stone fireplaces, brickwork and more and you see a thematic consistency, using the natural essence of a space and creating something that truly enhances. It is evident that his commitment to his beautiful family — wife Elizabeth and two daughters — inspires his hard work and drive to succeed. Cameron (aka Hammer – childhood nickname from brother Chris) was on track to pursue a career in criminal justice/border patrol when he found his passion for digging in the dirt and creating wonderful, function space.
How does company culture impact you and what do you do to contribute to it?
I am self-employed and work individually. My culture lies in my work ethic — hard working and detail-oriented.
Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?
My father and other local business owners who make an impact in our community.
What strategies do you use to approach the day?
Take time each morning to get ready for the day. Set goals for each day, so I know what I have to accomplish.
What is something that no one would guess about you?
I have a degree in Law Enforcement.
What important lesson have you learned in your career?
You can do anything you set your mind to, if you want it bad enough. Mindset is everything.
What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?
Going out on my own.
How can the North Country improve its Gen IQ? (Gen IQ defined as an ability to lead, market to or innovate with multi-generational workplaces and marketplaces).
More events that target all ages. Find common interests throughout different generations to help tie everyone together.