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Chamberwise: Economic Development Opportunities

Updated: Feb 17

By Garry Douglas, Photo Supplied

Thanks in part to advances achieved in 2024, we foresee a number of opportunities for economic development in this new year. We, and our partners, are at work to pursue these opportunities and focus on the challenges needing to be overcome in some cases.

Micro Bird Transition: Working actively and creatively with Micro Bird through the transition of the Nova Bus operation, already very much underway. This includes everything from workforce development to maximizing possibilities for connections with our region’s transportation equipment suppliers.

The Grid: Starting to tangibly address the looming crisis created by inadequate electricity transmission capacity in support of economic growth where needed, with one immense opportunity now at stake.

Border: Doing all that can be done to support optimal fluidity at our northern border crossings, especially Champlain, through maximum staffing availability and other supportive measures.

Government Affairs Transition: Securing strong access and collaboration with federal, state and regional officials transitioning into office or impacted by new dynamics. This will certainly include our new Member of Congress when known.

Beta: Continuing collaboration with BETA Technologies through the coming construction of their major new facility at Plattsburgh International Airport, looking to maximize economic activity here.

CCC/IAM: Remaining supportive of the upcoming location transition of Clinton Community College with special attention to the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing’s operational transfer to CV-TEC and maximizing envisioned possibilities for program growth.

Housing: Tangible progress in Albany in support of workforce housing development across the North Country including appropriate approaches and tools for progress in the Adirondacks.

An ambitious list, with other important opportunities in the pipeline as well. But we see progress possible on every item.


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