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Cliff Berg

Hustle. Grind. Execute.

Current Employer & Job Title: Owner of CB

Electric, LLC

Age: 36 | Hometown: Dannemora, NY

Education: Saranac Central School and CV TEC for electrical trades and attended North Country Community College

Full of personality, confidence and competence, Cliff Berg brings a community-centric, all-in energy to his work and service activities. His robust laughter and generous spirit make Cliff an easy addition to the business collaborative of upcoming leaders in our region. Cliff left a solid, good-paying job to explore his entrepreneurial spirit, resulting in a rewarding, soul-fulfilling adventure.

How does company culture impact you and what do you do to contribute to it?

I started my business from the ground up and it is my other baby. I really focus on strong communication both internally and externally with my customers and employees. At the end of the day, the work makes me happy, and I want to share that with others, especially within my community.

What strategies do you use to approach the day?

I like listening to podcasts to start my day, organize my tasks that need to be done before I go out in the field, and if there is time that day, I like to have daily team sessions so everyone is up to speed and on the same page.

What is something that no one would guess about you?

I am a very good singer and do spot-on impressions.

Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?

Many people in our community have done amazing things. To be part of groups like Rotary and the Chamber, really motivates me to interact with the community and learn more through what others are doing day to day. Todd Avery has had a major impact on my life and business. He is a retired electrician who owned and operated Avery Electric. He has helped me grow as a person, as a business and has become a great friend and part of my family.

Tell us about your community involvement.

I am a member of Rotary and the North Country Chamber of Commerce, participating in many community events. In celebration of Thanksgiving we donated a percentage of the work we had booked to feed families in need. We donate to Hospice and sponsor extra-curricular activities. This year we are sponsoring a Woman’s League Softball Team and plan to sponsor the SUNY Plattsburgh Woman’s Hockey Team.


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