"Motivated, Compassionate, Resourceful"
LB House to Home Realty - Broker/Owner Hometown: Ellenburg, NY Age: 31 Education: Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality, SUNY Plattsburgh
How does company culture impact you and what do you do to contribute to your company culture? One of the main reasons for opening my own Brokerage was to offer an office where culture was a primary focus. As a team, we help each other, we teach each other and we are all open to lending a hand whenever another team member needs it. Rather than creating an environment that harbors competition among each other, there is a heavy emphasis that as a team we are stronger.
What attracts you to your peer group? This generation is incredibly creative. I love to discover what “lights someone’s fire,” when talking about something they are truly passionate about, and seem to lose track of time explaining what they are jazzed about. Sharing that light is contagious and inspiring.
What strategies do you use to approach the day? “Eat the frog;” get the hard stuff done and out of the way. Wake up early to get things done before the phone starts ringing. Ask for help when you need it.
What is something that no one would guess about you? If I were not a Realtor, I would want to own a small bakeshop.
What important lesson have you learned in your career? Understanding there is always another side to the story. In real estate, there are often times that conflict arises and clients tend to get very emotional. Learning how to balance my own emotions and finding ways to deflate the situation has been helpful in work life as well as personal life.
What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? Traveling alone outside of the United States. Once you realize you can successfully navigate a foreign country alone you feel like you can do anything.
Tell us about your community involvement. I have been trying to be active in the community in a less conventional way. Doing things like offering client appreciation days, sponsoring movies at The Strand, and hosting free events that are open to the community.
What would you do if you have three hours off from work and could not go home? I would probably be renovating a space, or creating some form of (bad) art. I am a “serial hobbyist” so I am always trying to learn how to do something new.