by Herb Carpenter
This issue of Strictly Business is one you will want to read from cover to cover. In it, we tell the stories of entrepreneurs from more than a hundred years ago whose vision and drive are still alive and well today. We salute both the Plattsburgh Fire and Police Departments for their centuries-long dedication to public service. And we highlight the ingenuity of Lake Champlain sailors who devised ways to connect New York and Vermont commerce.
Our Insight feature, Dr. Anastasia Pratt, is not only a historian, but an educator and a musician. That’s a trifecta.
In addition, we offer our special recognition to all the extraordinary businesses and individuals who were honored recently by the North Country Chamber of Commerce.
Without the help of a small army of amazing people, this issue of Strictly Business would not have been possible. Our thanks go out to:
Mirror Lake Inn: Naj Wikoff: Grandson of the Inn’s founder, Climena Wikoff;
Sandy Caligiore: Public Relations Representative
McCadam Cheese: Chateaugay Historical Society: Mary Humiston: President; Mick Jarvis:
Treasurer; Lynn Harrigan
Champlain Telephone Company: Trent Trahan: LayerEight President;
Vicki Marking: LayerEight Marketing Director
Lake Champlain Transportation: SUNY Plattsburgh Special Collections
Plattsburgh Fire Department: Assistant Chief Chris DeAngelo; Lieutenant Matt Barrett, Historian
Plattsburgh Police Department: Chief Peter Mitchell; Melisa Lucia: Principal Clerk; Clinton County Historian Anastasia Pratt; Clinton County Historical Museum: Helen Nersk: Director; Simon George: Research Assistant

takes great pride in honoring the North Country’s history and recognizing its current leaders. Remembering our past provides inspiration ...