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Publisher's View

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

By Herb Carpenter

One of the pleasures of publishing Strictly Business is the feedback we receive from readers. Most issues produce a few emails and calls; others attract a flood of comments. Our annual issue featuring up-and-coming young business people is the one that seems to create the most enthusiasm.

This year our A Force for Good issue features some of our best and brightest in industries as diverse as banking and finance, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, government, services, law, retail, the arts, agriculture, and education.

Please take the time to read each profile. You will find amazing individuals who are excelling in their professions and who are committed to all that is good for the North Country. We believe you will agree with our decision to honor the achievements of these young professionals. They are off to a good start and are destined to be a part of the future of our region.

... and that will be good for business.


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