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Publisher's View

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

By Herb Carpenter

The North Country has an amazing history – from the Algonquian and Iroquoian tribes, to the Battle of Valcour Island during the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Plattsburgh in the War of 1812, to the arrival of the Army in the early 20th century, the departure of the Air Force in the late 1990s and a great deal more. It was a recognition of this impressive history that sparked SB’s curiosity about the history of business and its impact on the region.

We are pleased to offer our third annual Looking Back issue of Strictly Business that focuses on companies that have been in continuous operation for 100 years or more.

Our cover article highlights Plattsburgh Foundry, now known as Plattco. Established in the late 1800s, the Foundry has transitioned from a family-owned business to one that is employee-owned, all the while building an international reputation for the quality of its products.

Our Plattsburgh City Beach article lays out the little-known story of how that beautiful stretch of sand became an attraction that drew thousands of people – both Canadians and Americans – and put millions of dollars in the city’s coffers.

Egglefield Motors of Elizabethtown may be the oldest Ford Motor franchise in the U.S. Five generations of the family have met and exceeded the needs of the North Country. Don’t miss the story about how founder Wilbur Egglefield obtained his early Model T’s.

Dannemora Prison began in the late 1860’s as a frontier prison designed to put convicts to work in the iron mines of Lyon Mountain and surrounding areas. That venture didn’t work, but the prison transformed itself over the years and became a mainstay of the area’s economy.

When we think of the YMCA of today, about to be reborn in a new facility on the former Air Force Base, we think of health and wellness. When the Y was founded, it had a very different focus. Learn about its start in London, its move to the U.S. and, in the late 1880’s, to Plattsburgh.

And then there is our Insight feature, Alan Booth, who represents the third generation of Booth Insurance, recognized throughout the region for its integrity and close attention to customer service. In addition, the Booth family is known for its generosity and commitment to all that is good for the community.

Joel Wood, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at the North Country Chamber of Commerce wraps up the issue as a guest contributor, discussing training programs spearheaded by the Chamber.

There is no way to measure the full impact of the strength and tenacity of area businesses over the decades. They are and have always been an amazing group of people. We have risen on their backs.

And that's good for business.


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