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Quotes from Forum Participants

What piece of advice would you give the next generation of business and community leaders?

“Get involved. Whether it is in the business community or with a non-profit organization - become a part of something beyond your chosen career. It will help you within your profession, but you will also grow as a person and become a valuable member of this community.”

—Alexandra Barie

“All that you can take with you is that which you have given away.”

– John Bernardi

“Put yourself in uncomfortable situations until they become comfortable,

and then find something else that makes you uncomfortable. That is the only

way to grow.”

—Holly Black

“Be the hardest worker in the room on any and all platforms. Go after your dream and goals. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to!”

— Jennifer Boyer

“Do your very best to find balance between personal and work.”

— Lisa Brown

“It is critical to have a client-friendly approach and be very focused on delivering a good product and have strong customer service.”

— Kevin Brady

“Demonstrate empathy, encourage collaboration, embody the values you expect, create a culture of service, resilience, and continuous learning for collective success.”

—Michael Cashman

“Get involved early and often. Join a board, run for office, join a club, volunteer in your community. This will help propel your career and your life in ways you can’t imagine.” 

— Heather Couture

“Finding a mentor is very important.

Be open to accepting honest feedback.”

—Mark Crawford

“Your character defines you.  Always lead with honesty and integrity.  Lead by example and always follow through doing what you say you will do.  Trust in leadership, is what leads to growth.”

­—Michele Derrigo-Barnes

“Welcome criticism as a driver of innovation. Embrace diverse viewpoints to fuel new ideas and ventures.”

– Amber Douglass

“Be optimistic. Optimism is a force multiplier.”

—Garry Douglas

“If you don’t love what you do in your professional life, don’t hesitate to keep searching for your passion. Connect with a mentor, someone who inspires you.”

—Victoria Duley

“Successful leaders don’t do it alone. Seek out advice from mentors and others who can provide perspective and wise counsel.”

—Dr. Alexander Enyedi

“Follow your passion. Do what you love to do. But in the end, kindness matters.”

—Michele Friedman

“Think regionally! As the old saying goes:

All ships rise with the tide!”

– Steve Frederick

“Find a passion that positively impacts

your community and become a champion for it.”

—Mark Hamilton

“Be present and be kind. You have two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you speak!”

– Patti Hammond

“Understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. It is easy to be led down other paths, so knowing your intentions and goals allows you to stay on course, even through trying times.”

—Jessica Hanson

“Partnerships and collaborations are the keys for a successful business and community”

— Justin Ihne

“If you experience failure, don’t give up on yourself. You’re your biggest fan. You have to believe in yourself.”

—Billy Jones

“Embrace authenticity as your greatest asset. Your genuine expression of self lies in the power to connect and lead. Be a relentless sponge for knowledge.”

— Kristy Kennedy

“Nothing replaces hard work, doing the next right thing, good friends, and a

little luck.”

—Pat Leary, Owner, PM Leary, LLC.

“Take chances, try new things and always be curious. The world will present many new opportunities. Grab them! “

—Michelle LeBeau

“Don’t focus on all that you still need to do or you will be overwhelmed- instead, think about all that you have accomplished and be proud of that.”

—Nicole Laurin

“Working hard breeds success. No one is entitled.”

—Rick Martindale

“Build a network of mentors who will help you learn and grow.”

—Sue Matton

“Build and continually grow your professional and personal network.”

—Deena McCullough

“Stay positive. Ask questions. Figure it out. It’s OK to fail.”

—Alissa Momot

“Take a risk. Whether calculated or stupid, it’s still a smart idea.”

—Jerrod Olson

“Focus on the fundamentals. Go for all the easy wins and some hard wins. Try not to lose.”

—Brendan Owens

“Be a duck – calm and almost unmoving on top of the water, but always moving/working furiously underneath…Embrace Change!”

– Christine Peters

“The North Country offers a wealth of resources to present and future entrepreneurs. Couple that with a vision and passion and it can lead to fulfilling dreams.”

— Jon Rulfs

“Never be afraid to ask for help and know that your relationships are key to building success!”

—Molly Ryan

“Listen. Listen to people. Listen to your surroundings. Be flexible and adaptable to change. It will take you far in what you do.”

—Andy Sepcie

“Take those opportunities. Do it!

Don’t be scared.”

—Christina Ubl

“Work hard and smart. Never accept good enough. Stay connected with your local businesses and their leaders to help each other grow for our local benefits. Pay close attention to those we put in government office. They work for us.”

—Todd Sample

“Never stop re-inventing yourself and continue to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Keep an open mind on people and processes.”

—Brian Watts

“Work and help to create an agency that staff are proud to be a part of and commit to helping staff reach their full potential. Always meet people where they are at and never leave them behind.”

—Connie Wille



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