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Recovery Ready Workplace Programs

By Jonathan Rosen • Photos Supplied

In response to increases in substance use disorders and mental health issues, and the aftermath of COVID, it is essential to develop recovery efforts in the workplace that can offer long term solutions.

In December 2023, the New York State Department of Health; New York State Office of Addiction Services and Support; and a cooperative of recovery/employment service organizations, non-profits, and private businesses sponsored the first PARSE (NYS Coalition to Prevent Addiction and Support Recovery in Employment) Symposium held in Albany, New York. The purpose of the event was to help educate and inspire participants to promote recovery-ready workplace initiatives.

Lead organizer, Jonathan Rosen, and our own Michael Carpenter, president and CEO of MHAB Life Skills Campus worked together to develop the symposium. The following article is designed to help employers understand how they can become a Recovery Ready Workplace.

Jonathan Rosen, MS, CIH, FAIHA, of AJ Rosen & Associates, LLC, is a founding member for the New York State PARSE Coalition.

A recovery ready workplace (RRW) aims to break down barriers that deter employees with substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health challenges from seeking help. RRWs are committed to making foundational changes in the way employers hire, treat, and support workers living in or seeking recovery.

Definition of Recovery: The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines recovery as a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimates that 70% of all adults with SUD are employed, representing about 9% of the workforce. This makes workplaces an important setting to address SUD.

RRW moves from a “zero tolerance” policy, emphasizing disciplinary action for SUD, to a “recovery” policy, emphasizing help, hope, and realizing the economic potential of healthy employees.

RRW organizations recognize addiction and SUD as a mental health condition, not a moral failing, and actively take steps to alleviate stigma and provide practical assistance. They foster a culture of understanding and educate about the complexities of addiction as a disease.

RRW organizations actively recruit people in recovery who qualify for employment. They address the underlying causes of workplace injury and stress that may lead to new cases of addiction and improve access to treatment, counseling, and recovery support resources and reform punitive policies into supportive ones.

An RRW also extends support to families, acknowledging the interconnectedness of personal and professional lives and offering comprehensive assistance to all affected by SUD.

Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental health challenges and SUD skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, including dramatic increases in overdose deaths and suicides. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported an estimated 107,543 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. during 2023. The national crisis response hotline saw an 891% increase in calls. In response, policy makers and employers have increased intervention programs. The US Surgeon General issued a report “Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being” addressing these concerns. You can find more information about the PARSE Coalition at

Employer Return on Investment (ROI) Workers in recovery have increased job stability, productivity, and longevity with their company. They also experience improved workplace safety and reduced absenteeism and disciplinary problems.

Adopting an RRW is a financially sound business decision for an employer. Consider these facts:

  • Employee replacement costs range from 25% to 200% of annual salary, not including losses in company knowledge, continuity, and productivity.

  • An employee in recovery from a SUD misses less work than the general workforce, resulting in cost savings of more than $3,200 per year.

Workers in recovery use less healthcare and Workers’ Compensation. Cost savings include hospital and emergency room use, ambulatory care, and primary medical care.

Job commitment of an employee who receives support from his or her employer to get healthy is immeasurable. Since its inception in 2022, the PARSE Coalition has brought together employers, labor unions, recovery, treatment, and prevention organizations, safety and health experts, and government officials. PARSE Coalition members are working to assist employers in establishing RRW programs through training and consultations. Additionally, some coalition members are helping people in recovery to re-enter the workforce.

Information on the steps for becoming a RRW and related resources are available at

To join the PARSE Coalition, email Annette Bernhardt,


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