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Sarah Morrison

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Sarah Morrison
Dependable. Practical. Genuine

William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Research Scientist (I research dairy cow nutrition and management) Hometown: Leicester, VT Age: 31 Education: BS in Animal Science from the University of Vermont, Masters of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

True to her upbringing, Sarah Morrison has found a career that allows her to blend her educational background with her family dairy farming experience to help shape the future of farming. In addition to her research, Sarah is passionate about sharing her research and skills to teach and mentor students through Miner Institute’s learning programs.

How do you contribute to the culture of your company? I try to participate in the leadership, personal development and communications trainings/discussions we host internally.

What are you doing to make a difference in your community? I enjoy interacting with different people that come to Miner to learn more about dairy cows.

What is the single most important characteristic for success? Passion. If you have passion for what you are doing it makes it easier to put in extra time and work through the challenges you might face along the way.

What is your biggest professional success? When someone finds value in either the research I have done or information I am sharing and is able to take something home to their farm/ business and use it.

What important lesson have you learned in your career? Take opportunities to do different things or experiences. Those things might seem like a hassle or scary at the time, but often can open the door for further growth or connections later on.

What is your dream job? For me, Miner is the perfect balance of finding out new things (research) and being able to share that information with others through our education and outreach. These missions hit the core of my motivation which is to contribute something meaningful and to be a resource for dairy farmers.

What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? Moved to Illinois on my own to go to grad school.

What is something that no one would guess about you? I may appear quiet, but if you throw any type of competition into the mix you are likely to see my competitive side come out very quickly.

Write a note to your younger self… Ask what else is out there other than the obvious path. Say yes to opportunities in any form, you never know where they might lead you.

What can the North Country do to make this area more appealing to a younger generation? Highlighting different jobs/careers that can be made within the North Country. A wide diversity of opportunities in the area is great for people who like to spend time hiking, on the lake or doing other activities outside.



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